Russian cartoons that can help learn Russian

Russian cartoons that can help learn Russian

Even Pope John Paul II advised to watch Soviet cartoons, since they bear kindness and teach compassion for all living things. In addition, watching Russian cartoons might be very useful for those who learn Russian, because animated films usually use much simpler language than movies and can be understood even without subs. So here is a little compilation of Russian cartoons that are known worldwide. Read more

Foreign language without tedious cramming

Foreign language without tedious cramming

Is it actually possible to teach a foreign language? The answer is no. It’s the same as teaching someone to think. While the person does not have a purpose of learning and internal motivation, while there is no desire to discover the whole world with the help of a foreign language, there is no need in studying it. Read more

How to understand Russian speech by ear?

How to understand Russian speech by ear?

There are many reasons for misunderstanding including speech tempo, unusual voice tone (as a rule, while learning Russian one gets used to the teacher’s voice), the presence of different types of connections, bindings and sound omissions in the speech flow of the speaker and so on. So, here are some tips to avoid misunderstanding. Read more

4 mistakes in learning Russian

4 mistakes in learning Russian

Sometimes students that learn Russian realize that despite the continuous learning process, they still cannot speak fluently, build complex sentences in Russian or clearly understand the speech of native speakers. Why is this happening? Read more