Exam preparation
Standard 20 + 10 private exam preparation classes
This course is designed for the students wishing to intensively prepare for a Russian TRKI /TORFL exam. With two daily preparation lessons, in addition to our standard 20, to study the specific content of the chosen exam, our exam preparation course will help you to get the best possible result in your chosen Russian exam. The programme of the course will be made according to your current language skills and the aspects needed to improve. The sample testing on the each level is included into the course programme.
Course key facts
Elementary to advanced A2 > C1
4 weeks
Standard 20 + 10 exam preparation
Group size
Up to 4 students per group + private lessons
Start dates
According to exam date
Our rates are degressive, longer stays are lower priced.
13+ weeks
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Student testimonials:
Дорогая Татяна,
Ещë раз большое спасибо за организацию моего курса в Educa Centre во время прошлых трëх недель и особенное спасибо Ксение и еë тепеливой и идейной работе со мной.
Я надеюсь, что я когда-нибудь вернусь в Питер.
До свидания,